2022 Achievements of MJC l’Escale
Helping Hands has been sponsoring https:/www.mjc-ileauxtresors.fr, one of our local and close proximity to us since 20214. L’Escale works with the local government and friends to finance children (kids and adolescents) leisure trips for families who are in very high financial difficulty, sometimes in social breakdown and isolation. It’s important for these children’s emotional and integral development to be able to go a short trip or vacation to escape from their reality and have joyful moments with peers. Something this “simple” is also essential for a healthly upbringing of our little ones.
In their own words: The Helping Hands association is an essential aid to help l’Escale send children and young people on holiday!
Colo Apprenante: Stays that combine group adventure, discovery of outdoor activities and learning in a variety of fields and in an environment that breaks away from everyday life. This is highly subsidized by the State.
L’Escale organized 10 “colo apprenantes” in 2022. The cost per family was 120€ for a 6-day stay.
- Citizenship stay in Paris (twice)
- Stays in Hosgor (twice)
- Camargue stays (twice)
- Stay in Allos
- Stay in Corsica (three times)
A total of 102 children and young people aged 12 to 18 took part of these trips last year.
While 120€ may not seem like a lot, some of the young people we take on these trips don’t have the financial means to travel and the money we receive from Helping Hands enables us to finance these trips. Youth outings and inter-center exchanges are also organized.
Helping Hands has also organized a collection of toys and games for the toy library. These are loaned and made available in our toy library. These toys and games are labelled to clearly identify Helping Hands’ support for our toy library.
Between 2021 and 2022, more than 200 games and toys has been added to our stock, at a cost of around €10,000.
Our stories with the association
I like this project because it helps to fill the social gap between people in an area close to where I live. We often think everyone around us has our possibilities and this is not always true.
Thanks to the MJC project, young people can enlarge their knowledge and have the same experiences as people of their own age.