2022 Achievements Burgosmarka  Bolivian School

Sponsored by Helping Hands, Burgosmarka educational center in El Alto, a suburb of La Paz in Bolivia, run a project in 2022 to enforce the development in children and teenagers of a culture of protection and care for the environment, encouraging actions that improve the context in which they reside.



The project pursued to wake up in children, the role of researchers, in which they discover by their own means the natural environment that surrounds them and everything that is involved within it.

These new attitudes adquired by young citizens, contribute, through the rational use of natural resources, to the solution of the environmental problems El Alto city is facing.



This project profited to 150 Bolivian children, throughout 8 months from April 2022 to November 2022, leaving nice flicks and great memories of video playing, tale reading , seed and tree planting activites, enviromental games, dramatizations, recycling operations, excusions and the participation to the ministry environmental care day.

Our stories with the association


In 2019, I lived an outstanding and marking experience in El Alto suburb of LaPaz. I participated in the day to day work of the wonderful educational Burgosmarka team. I was deeply touched by their great  motivation and energies to make life a bit  easier for young people living in underprivileged families.

It was also great to receive the gratitude of all these children living serious social difficulties in their community, and see how BurgosMarka team help on educating them to shape a better future for next Bolivian generations.

After this experience I engaged on a personal challenge to promote in Europe their cause, and share my mission to shine and bright this educational BurgosMarka oasis in ElAlto de Bolivia.

In August 2019, I organized a sport fundraising challenge on my Pilmgrage “Camino de Santiago” to collect funds to repair water damps in several classrooms of this school.

In 2022 I joined Amadeus Helping Hands association to continue helping them within other nice projects aiming for a faire and better world.
